Documentation Assistance Services

Federal, state, and city documentation requirements can be very misleading and confusing. It just so happens, that the federal, state, and city documentation requirements have the most effect on an individual’s life if not completed and submitted properly. Our social services documentation program assists our clients with the proper completion of important documents.
Assistance with the completion and submission of documents includes, but is not limited to:
- Social Security Administration (SSI/SSDI)
- California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
- Los Angeles Housing Department
- California Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)
All clients have individual and unique needs that require a case-by-case assessment. If there are any needs our organization is unable to meet, W.I.S.H. will work with each client to find the necessary resources through external social services providers in the community. Each individual/family will be required to complete an intake packet and program agreement. There are no age restrictions for this service.